


void shouldBeBetween(T value, U left, C right, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that value is between two values.

void shouldBeBetweenOrEqual(T value, U left, C right, string message = null, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that value is between or equal two values.

void shouldBeContain(T[] array, U expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that array is contain of specified value.

void shouldBeEmpty(in auto ref R rng, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that Range is empty.

void shouldBeEmpty(auto ref T aa, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that Associative array is empty.

void shouldBeEqualJSON(in string actual, in string expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that JSON object is equal.

void shouldBeFalse(lazy T condition, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is equal to false.

void shouldBeGreater(T value, U expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is greater than another value.

void shouldBeGreaterOrEqual(T value, U expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is greater or equal than another value.

void shouldBeIn(T value, U expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is in an array of specified values.

void shouldBeInstanceOf(U object, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that object is instance of class.

void shouldBeLess(T value, U expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is less than another value.

void shouldBeLessOrEqual(T value, U expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is less or equal than another value.

void shouldBeNotEmpty(in auto ref R rng, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that Range is not empty.

void shouldBeNotEmpty(auto ref T aa, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that Associative array is not empty.

void shouldBeNull(in auto ref T value, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is equal to null.

void shouldBeTrue(lazy T condition, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is equal to true.

void shouldEqual(auto ref T value, auto ref U expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is equal to another value.

void shouldNotBeNull(in auto ref T value, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is not equal to null.

void shouldNotEqual(T value, U expected, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that one value is not equal to another value.

void shouldNotThrow(lazy E condition, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used for asserting that a expression will not throw an exception.

void shouldRunLess(lazy E condition, in Duration time, in string message = null, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used to assert that expression should be run less duration

void shouldThrow(lazy E condition, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used for asserting that a expression will throw an exception.

void shouldThrowWithMessage(lazy E condition, in string message, in string file = __FILE__, in size_t line = __LINE__)

Used for asserting that a expression will throw an exception with message.

